💎 Send me TON! Bot allows you to quickly generate an invoice for payment directly into your wallet with a simple inline command. Bot also has a simple API for generating links and QR codes to pay, which you can use for free in your services.

Here are the basics:

🔗 To generate a direct ton:// payment link, use a simple template:



  1. ADDRESS — TON wallet address in bounceable format, for example:


  1. AMOUNT — amount in Nanograms.

So, 1 TON = 10^9 Nanograms, thus, for a payment of 1 TON, the link should look like this:

  1. COMMENT — description of the transaction.

You can request payment without a comment:


🏿 To generate QR-code, use simple template:


For example, just open this url and scan the QR: qr sendmeton/code.png

The result is:

MacBook Pro 14_ - 12.png